Asbury Park on a JM Racing Mal Dying swell, 2ft at 10s ESE. The better ones were middle of the beach and got hollower as it peeled down the bank. I chose to ride my JM instead of my log because my goal is one session a week on a prone board. 10/30 Ryan Matthews Asbury Park10/30 Ryan Matthews Asbury Park10/30 Ryan Matthews Asbury Park10/30 Ryan Matthews Asbury Park10/30 Ryan Matthews Asbury Park
Dying swell, 2ft at 10s ESE. The better ones were middle of the beach and got hollower as it peeled down the bank. I chose to ride my JM instead of my log because my goal is one session a week on a prone board. 10/30 Ryan Matthews Asbury Park10/30 Ryan Matthews Asbury Park10/30 Ryan Matthews Asbury Park10/30 Ryan Matthews Asbury Park10/30 Ryan Matthews Asbury Park